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Научно-исследовательская работа

  • 13 апреля 2022, 14:21
  • Автор: admin
  • Просмотров 10431

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2022 – «Изучение практики и особенностей развития добровольчества в РФ, в том числе уровня востребованности волонтерского труда в различных сферах».
2022 – «Состояние и проблемы гражданского общества в Кировской области. Развитие и деятельность сектора НКО в Кировской области».

2022 – «Методология маркетинга инноваций в системе их коммерциализации на предприятиях биохимической отрасли»

2021 – «Маркетинговое исследование пенсионного рынка».
2021 – «Методология управления развитием предприятий биохимической отрасли»

2021 – «Состояние и проблемы гражданского общества в Кировской области. Развитие и деятельность сектора НКО в Кировской области».

2020 – «Состояние и проблемы гражданского общества в Кировской области»

2019 – «Состояние и проблемы гражданского общества в Кировской области»

2019 – «Развитие и деятельность сектора НКО в Кировской области».

2019 – «Разработка универсальной научно-обоснованной методики проведения маркетингового исследования рынка».
2019 – «Разработка универсальной научно-обоснованной методики проведения маркетингового исследования с возможностью адаптации к различным рынкам и направлениям исследований».
2018 – «Разработка универсальной методики проведения качественных экспертных интервью с возможностью адаптации к различным рынкам и направлениям исследований»
2018 – «Разработка методики проведения маркетинговых исследований на планшетах».
2018 – «Разработка методологии регламентации деятельности на основе ключевых показателей оценки работы сотрудников, оптимизации и совершенствования бизнес-процессов предприятия по производству мягкой мебели»

2018 – «Разработка методических рекомендаций для определения оптимальных маркетинговых решений и создание информационно-аналитической базы для обеспечения маркетинговой деятельности предприятия».

2017 – «Методологическое сопровождение деятельности предприятия ООО «ТД «Вендлайт» в рамках повышения его конкурентоспособности».

2017 – «Методологические сопровождение закупочной деятельности ООО «ТД «Вендлайт».

2017 – «Разработка методики исследования спроса на сервисные услуги по ремонту и поставке специализированной техники и запчастей».

2016 – «Методическое обеспечение системы мерчандайзинга в торговой точке».

2016 – «Разработка методики создания и реализации стратегии развития ООО «ТД «Вендлайт».

2015 – «Методологическое обоснование необходимости внедрения нового оборудования в рамках ассортиментной политики предприятия».

2015 – «Методическое обеспечение разработки товарной политики предприятия».

2015 – «Методическое обеспечение разработки маркетинговой политики на рынке замочно-скобяных изделий».


Результаты научных исследований в базах Web of Science Core Collection и Scopus

Fokina O., Mottaeva A., Turutina Т. Project management in the context of environmental marketing // E3S Web of Conferences 376, 05061, 2023. doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202337605061.

Mottaeva, A., Fokina, O., Botagoz, S. (2023). The Role of Transport Infrastructure in Environmental Development of PDAs. In: Beskopylny, A., Shamtsyan, M., Artiukh, V. (eds) XV International Scientific Conference “INTERAGROMASH 2022”. INTERAGROMASH 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 575. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-21219-2_18

Fokina O., Mottaeva A. Consumer behavior and the free shipping: value for environmental economics // E3S Web Conf. Volume 371, 2023. International Scientific Conference “Fundamental and Applied Scientific Research in the Development of Agriculture in the Far East” (AFE-2022).

Sozinova A. A., Saveleva N. K., Bogoviz A. V., Popkova E. G. A study of the order of implementing temporary government regulation of commodity prices in the EAEU: a view from the positions of quality // International Journal for Quality Research. - 2022. - Vol. 16. - №3. - pp. 939-954.

Sozinova A. A., Litvinova T. N., Kurilova A., Morozova I. A. Fight against climate change and sustainable development based on ecological economy and management in the AI era // Frontiers in Environmental Science. - 2022. - Vol. 10.

Fokina O. V., Sozinova A. A., Glebova A. G., Nikonova N. V. Improving the quality of project management at energytech through marketing in support of sustainable and environmental development of energy economics // Frontiers in Energy Research. - 2022. - Vol. 10.

Sozinova A. A., Saveleva N. K. Marketing quality management in industry 4.0 in transborder markets // International Journal for Quality Research. - 2022. - Vol. 16. - №3. - pp. 955-968.

Sozinova A. A., Litvinova T. N., Ostrovskaya V. N., Vorontsova G. V. Perspective Directions of Corporate Social Responsibility of Energy Companies of EnergyTech for Sustainable and Environmental Development of Energy Economy // Frontiers in Energy Research. - 2022. - Vol. 10.

Sozinova A. A., Meteleva O. A. Sites of states with a dynamically developing socio-political structure and economy: analyzing forms and methods of obtaining competitive advantages of transnational (global) companies // Research in Economic Anthropology: Current Problems of the World Economy and International Trade. - 2022. - Vol. 42. - pp. 233-242.

Palkina M. V., Kislitsyna V. V., Chernyshev K. A. Analysis of the relationship of investment and demographic factors in the development of depressed regions // Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis. - 2021. - Vol. 13. - №1. - pp. 113-124.

Inshakova A. O., Sozinova A. A., Litvinova T. N. Corporate Fight against the COVID-19 Risks Based on Technologies of Industry 4.0 as a New Direction of Social Responsibility // Risks. - 2021. - Vol. 9. - №12.

Sozinova A. A., Kosyakova I. V., Kuznetsova I. G., Stolyarov N. O. Corporate Social Responsibility in the Context of the 2020 Economic Crisis and Its Contribution to Sustainable Development // Modern Global Economic System: Evolutional Development vs. Revolutionary Leap : conf. proceedings / eds. E. Popkova, B. Sergi. - Cham : Springer, 2021. - (LNNS ; vol. 198). - 2021. - pp. 83-90.

Bulychev L., Malysheva N., Chaykovskaya L. Digital transformation of the sustainable architectural environment based on intelligent information systems // E3S Web of Conferences: 2021 Ural Environmental Science Forum on Sustainable Development of Industrial Region (UESF 2021), Chelyabinsk, Russia, 17-19 February 2021. - 2021. - Vol. 258.

Karieva E., Akhmetshina L., Fokina O. Factors and conditions for the development of the digital economy in Russia // E3S Web of Conferences: XXII International Scientific Conference Energy Management of Municipal Facilities and Sustainable Energy Technologies (EMMFT-2020), Voronezh, Russia, 8-10 December 2020. - 2021. - Vol. 244.

Fokina O. V., Sofiina E. V., Denisov I. V., Abuzyarova M. I. Future Scenarios of Sustainable Development Depending on the Recovery of the World Economy After the 2020 Crisis // Modern Global Economic System: Evolutional Development vs. Revolutionary Leap : conf. proceedings / eds. E. Popkova, B. Sergi. - Cham : Springer, 2021. - (LNNS ; vol. 198). - 2021. - pp. 764-772.

Ganebnykh E., Kozlova L., Stativa E. HR-outsourcing in Natural resources sector // E3S Web of Conferences: XXII International Scientific Conference Energy Management of Municipal Facilities and Sustainable Energy Technologies (EMMFT-2020), Voronezh, Russia, 8-10 December 2020. - 2021. - Vol. 244.

Grabar A., Manukhina L., Nikonova N. Indicative assessment method of the public perception of environmental marketing ideas // E3S Web of Conferences: XXII International Scientific Conference Energy Management of Municipal Facilities and Sustainable Energy Technologies (EMMFT-2020), Voronezh, Russia, 8-10 December 2020. - 2021. - Vol. 244.

Sozinova A. A. Investigating the Prospects of New Institutional Theory in the Smart Economy // Modern Global Economic System: Evolutional Development vs. Revolutionary Leap : conf. proceedings / eds. E. Popkova, B. Sergi. - Cham : Springer, 2021. - (LNNS ; vol. 198). - 2021. - pp. 2075-2081.

Burtseva T., Mironova N., Volk E., Chaykovskiy A. Marketing assessment of innovation potential of water filter manufacturers // E3S Web of Conferences: 2021 Ural Environmental Science Forum on Sustainable Development of Industrial Region (UESF 2021), Chelyabinsk, Russia, 17-19 February 2021. - 2021. - Vol. 258.

Fokina O.V., Gagarinskaya G. P., Satonina N. N., Petrenko E. S. Marketing Strategies for Managing Sustainable Development in the Context of the 2020 Economic Crisis // Modern Global Economic System: Evolutional Development vs. Revolutionary Leap : conf. proceedings / eds. E. Popkova, B. Sergi. - Cham : Springer, 2021. - (LNNS ; vol. 198). - 2021. - pp. 797-804.

Brodunov A., Bushueva N., Pizhurin A., Berezina E. Methods of assessing the paying capacity of an agricultural firm considering the operating mode // E3S Web of Conferences: 2021 Ural Environmental Science Forum on Sustainable Development of Industrial Region (UESF 2021), Chelyabinsk, Russia, 17-19 February 2021. - 2021. - Vol. 258.

Sozinova A. A., Sofiina E. V., Safargaliyev M. F., Varlamov A. V. Pandemic as a New Factor in Sustainable Economic Development in 2020: Scientific Analytics and Management Prospects // Modern Global Economic System: Evolutional Development vs. Revolutionary Leap : conf. proceedings / eds. E. Popkova, B. Sergi. - Cham : Springer, 2021. - (LNNS ; vol. 198). - 2021. - pp. 756-763.

Sozinova A. A, Savelyeva N. K., Alpidovskaya M. L. Post-COVID marketing 2019: Launching a new cycle of digital development // Global Challenges of Digital Transformation of Markets / eds. E. de la Poza, S. Barykin. - [s. l.] : Nova Science Publishers, 2021. - (Economic Issues, Problems and Perspectives). - 2021. - pp. 419-431.

Ganebnykh E., Fokina O., Lunyakov M., Milchik I. Project team acquiring based on digital footprint // E3S Web of Conferences: XXII International Scientific Conference Energy Management of Municipal Facilities and Sustainable Energy Technologies (EMMFT-2020), Voronezh, Russia, 8-10 December 2020. - 2021. - Vol. 244.

Popkova E. G., Saveleva N. K., Sozinova A. A. Smart Technologies in Entrepreneurship: Launching a New Business Cycle or a Countercyclical Instrument for Regulating the Economic Situation // "Smart Technologies" for Society, State and Economy / eds. E. Popkova, B. Sergi. - Springer : Cham, 2021. - (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems ; vol 155). - 2021. - pp. 1722-1730.

Kataeva N., Sysolyatin A., Feoktistova O., Starkova D. The concept of sustainable development environmental aspects and project approach // E3S Web of Conferences: XXII International Scientific Conference Energy Management of Municipal Facilities and Sustainable Energy Technologies (EMMFT-2020), Voronezh, Russia, 8-10 December 2020. - 2021. - Vol. 244.

Sozinova A. A., Lysova E. A. The marketing approach to managing the quality of company’s products based on industrial and manufacturing engineering in the conditions of transnational capital tranformation // International Journal for Quality Research . - 2021. - Vol. 15. - №4. - pp. 1089-1106.

Savelyeva N. K. Transnational Capital in Banking Market: Making Investment Decisions with the Help of AI in the Conditions of Competition // "Smart Technologies" for Society, State and Economy / eds. E. Popkova, B. Sergi. - Springer : Cham, 2021. - (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems ; vol 155). - 2021. - pp. 1714-1721.

Telyatnikova V. S., Shokhnekh A. V., Bespyatykh V. I., Azarskaya M. A., Kolyshev O. Y. Approaches to Formation of an Innovative Platform of University Complexes in the Strategy of Human Resources Development as Small Business Entrepreneurs // Growth Poles of the Global Economy: Emergence, Changes and Future Perspectives / ed. E. Popkova. - Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2020. - (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems ; vol. 73). - 2020. - pp. 1363-1372.

Burtseva T., Mironova N., Kubrak I. Assessment of efficiency of innovative technologies in tourism // E3S Web of Conferences: 8th Innovative Technologies in Science and Education (ITSE 2020), Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation, 19-30 August 2020. - 2020. - Vol. 210.

Ganebnykh E., Lezhnina O., Zhukova J., Kashintseva V. Diagnostics of company processes // E3S Web of Conferences: 8th Innovative Technologies in Science and Education (ITSE 2020), Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation, 19-30 August 2020. - 2020. - Vol. 210.

Grabar A., Starkova D., Soboleva O., Kondratyeva T. Economic factors of electricity transport based on energy consumption forecasting // E3S Web of Conferences: 8th Innovative Technologies in Science and Education (ITSE 2020), Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation, 19-30 August 2020. - 2020. - Vol. 210.

Fokina O., Krupnov Yu. Evaluation of the company's organizational culture // E3S Web of Conferences: 8th Innovative Technologies in Science and Education (ITSE 2020), Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation, 19-30 August 2020. - 2020. - Vol. 210.

Sozinova A. A. Improving the Management of Enterprise Restructuring on the Basis of the Marketing Methodology in Russia // Improving the management of enterprise restructuring on the basis of the marketing methodology in Russia. - New York : Nova Science Publishers, 2020. - 2020. - pp. 1-118.

Fokina O. V., Chirkova E. V., Bobkova T. S., Mazunina M. V., Ralnikova E. L. Improving the Mechanisms of Evaluation of Efficiency of Managing an Educational Establishment Within the Global Crisis Management in Industry 4.0 // International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies. - 2020. - Vol. 13. - №6. - pp. 622-631.

Palkina M. V., Matveeva N. S., Palkin A. Y., Psareva N. Y., Cherkasova M. A. Managing the State Support for Investment Activities for a Modern Region’s Development Activization // Growth Poles of the Global Economy: Emergence, Changes and Future Perspectives / ed. E. Popkova. - Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2020. - (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems ; vol. 73). - 2020. - pp. 695-708.

Ganebnykh E., Lezhnina O., Zhilkina T. Personnel resistibility in lean manufacturing // E3S Web of Conferences: Topical Problems of Green Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering 2019 (TPACEE-2019), Moscow, Russian Federation, 20-22 November 2019. - 2020. - Vol. 164.

Suptelo N., Sobol T., Rubtsova E., Fokina O. Sustainable regional social protection system // E3S Web of Conferences: Topical Problems of Green Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering 2019 (TPACEE-2019), Moscow, Russian Federation, 20-22 November 2019. - 2020. - Vol. 164.

Brodunov A., Bushueva N., Averin A., Berezina E.A. The Budget rule: reducing oil dependence // E3S Web of Conferences: Topical Problems of Green Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering 2019 (TPACEE-2019), Moscow, Russian Federation, 20-22 November 2019. - 2020. - Vol. 164.

Palkina M., Matveeva N., Psareva N. The innovative activity in depressed regions of the Russian Federation // E3S Web of Conferences: 8th Innovative Technologies in Science and Education (ITSE 2020), Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation, 19-30 August 2020. - 2020. - Vol. 210.

Sozinova A. A. “Conflict-free” as a Characteristic of the Process of Development of Socio-economic Systems // Conflict-Free Socio-Economic Systems: Perspectives and Contradictions / ed. E. G. Popkova. - Bingley : Emerald Publishing, 2019 . - 2019. - pp. 229-234.

Ganebnykh E., Fokina O., Lukinov V. Agile project management in lean environment // E3S Web of Conferences : Innovative Technologies in Environmental Science and Education (ITESE-2019), Divnomorskoe village, Russian Federation, September 9-14, 2019. - 2019. - Vol. 135.

Sozinova A. A., Nabokikh A. A., Ryattel A. V., Sanovich M. A. Analysis of  “underdevelopment whirlpools” as a tool of managing the regional market of education in the conditions of Industry 4.0 // On the Horizon. - 2019. - Vol. 27. - №3-4. - pp. 173-179.

Sozinova A. A. Causal connections of formation of industry 4.0 from the positions of the global economy // Industry 4.0: Industrial Revolution of the 21st Century / eds. E. G. Popkova, Y. V. Ragulina, A. V. Bogoviz. - Cham : Springer, 2019. - (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control ; vol. 169). - 2019. - pp. 131-143.

Ganebnykh E., Fedyaeva A., Igoshina Y., Ivashchenko A. From lean to green management // E3S Web of Conferences: 2018 Topical Problems of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Economics (TPACEE 2018), Moscow, Russian Federation, 3-5 December 2018. - 2019. - Vol. 91.

Burtseva T., Rudenko L., Fokina O., Pavlyutenkova O. Management of innovation projects: financial risks // E3S Web of Conferences : Innovative Technologies in Environmental Science and Education (ITESE-2019), Divnomorskoe village, Russian Federation, September 9-14, 2019. - 2019. - Vol. 135.

Fokina O., Barinov S. Marketing concepts of customer experience in digital economy // E3S Web of Conferences : Innovative Technologies in Environmental Science and Education (ITESE-2019), Divnomorskoe village, Russian Federation, September 9-14, 2019.. - 2019. - Vol. 135.

Ganebnykh E., Burtseva T., Petuhova A., Mottaeva A. Regional environmental safety assessment // E3S Web of Conferences: 2018 Topical Problems of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Economics (TPACEE 2018), Moscow, Russian Federation, 3-5 December 2018. - 2019. - Vol. 91.

Kataeva N. N., Berezina E. A., Sysolyatin A. V., Borisova A. The assessment of the environmental impact of the construction project // E3S Web of Conferences: 2018 Topical Problems of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Economics (TPACEE 2018), Moscow, Russian Federation, 3-5 December 2018. - 2019. - Vol. 91.

Sozinova A. A., Burtseva T. A., Fokina O. V., Grabar A. A., Tufyakova E. S. The Concept of Industrial Enterprises’ Economic Development Amid the Global Financial and Economic Crisis // International Conference Project “The future of the Global Financial System: Downfall of Harmony” (ISC 2018) / ed. by E. G. Popkova. - Cham : Springer. - (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems ; vol. 57). - 2019. - pp. 1085-1093.

Grabar A. A., Koykova T. L., Prokopenko L. K., Shchinova R. A. The innovative mechanism of government support for the investment activities of digital universities for provision of region’s investment attractiveness in the conditions of Industry 4.0 // On the Horizon. - 2019. - Vol. 27. - №3-4. - pp. 159-165.

Savelyeva N. K., Kuklin A. V., Lapteva I. P., Malysheva N. V. The investment attractiveness of a regional market of educational services as the basis of its global competitiveness in industry 4.0 // On the Horizon. - 2019. - Vol. 27. - №3-4. - pp. 239-244.

Sozinova A. A. Conceptual Provisions of a New Institutional Theory // Economic and Legal Foundations of Modern Russian Society. A new institutional theory / ed. by E. G. Popkova. - Charlotte, NC : Information Age Publishing. - (Advances in Research on Russian Business and Management). - 2018. - pp. 1-16.

Ganebnykh E. V. Conversion of wastelands into state ownership for the needs of high-rise construction // E3S Web of Conferences : 2017 International Scientific Conference on High-Rise Construction (HRC 2017), Samara, Russia, 4-8 September 2017. - 2018. - Vol. 33.

Kislitsyna V. V., Palkina M. V. Development of Innovative Activities in Depressed Regions // Advances in Economics Business and Management Research: International Scientific Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies (FarEastCon), Vladivostok, Russia, 02-04 October 2018. - 2018. - Vol. 47. - pp. 717-719.

Sozinova A. A., Malysheva N. V., Zonova A. V., Fokina O. V., Shchinova R. A. Effectiveness of Marketing of Business Structures as a Basis of Import Substitution in Russia: the Role of Information Technologies // Espacios. - 2018. - Vol. 39. - №28.

Sozinova A. A. Effectiveness or Reorganization: Application of Information Technologies in Solving Marketing Problems of Modern Companies // Espacios. - 2018. - Vol. 39. - №28.

Palkina M. V., Kislitsina V. V. Factors improving investment attractiveness Of Russia’s depressed regions // Administratie si Management Public. - 2018. - №30. - pp. 141-154.

Kataeva N., Marakulina I., Snigireva Y., Barinov S. Financial Support Problems of Developing a Territory's Touristic Potential // MATEC Web of Conferences : 2017 International Science Conference on Business Technologies for Sustainable Urban Development, SPbWOSCE 2017, 20-22 December 2017. - 2018. - Vol. 170.

Ganebnykh E., Mottaeva A., Larinina T., Petrova E. Franchising technologies for sustainable economic development // MATEC Web of Conferences : 2017 International Science Conference on Business Technologies for Sustainable Urban Development, SPbWOSCE 2017, 20-22 December 2017. - 2018. - Vol. 170.

Fokina O. V., Fufacheva L. A., Sozinova A. A., Sysolyatin A. V., Bulychev L. L. Information and Communication Technologies as a New Vector of Development of Modern Global Economy // Espacios. - 2018. - Vol. 39. - №28. - pp. 5.

Burtseva T. A., Sozinova A. A., Fokina O. V., Kalinin P. A., Grabar A. A. Information Technologies as a Tool for Increasing Clustering Effectiveness // Espacios. - 2018. - Vol. 39. - №28.

Karanina E. V., Palkina M. V. Innovative Infrastructure in Depressed Regions // Advances in Economics Business and Management Research: International Scientific Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies (FarEastCon), 02-04 October 2018, Vladivostok, Russia. - 2018. - Vol. 47. - pp. 680-682.

Sozinova A. A. Marketing concept of managing the reorganization of entepreneurial structures using the latest information technologies // Quality - Access to Success. - 2018. - Vol. 19. - №S2. - pp. 118-122.

Fokina O. V., Sozinova A. A., Tyufyakova E. S., Gurova E. S., Lysova E. A. Marketing Tools for Increasing Effectiveness of Entrepreneurial Structures’ Activities in the Conditions of Import Substitution // Espacios. - 2018. - Vol. 39. - №28.

Ganebnykh E. V., Burtseva T. A., Gurova E. S., Polyakova I. Non-price competition in the regional high-rise construction market // E3S Web of Conferences : 2017 International Scientific Conference on High-Rise Construction (HRC 2017), Samara, Russia, 4-8 September 2017. - 2018. - Vol. 33.

Sozinova A. A., Kataeva N. N., Berezina E. A., Fufacheva L. A., Sergeeva O. V. Priorities of using new information and communication technologies in the modern economy // Espacios. - 2018. - Vol. 39. - №28.

Laptev A. V., Sozinova A. A. Prospects of Industrial Enterprise Development on a Franchise Basis // Espacios. - 2018. - Vol. 39. - №28.

Snigireva G., Malysheva N., Adamaitis L., Gamulinskaya N., Zonova N. Systematic approach to the evaluation of state support efficiency on the basis of the integrated index // MATEC Web of Conferences : International Scientific Conference Environmental Science for Construction Industry (ESCI 2018), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2-5 March 2018. - 2018. - Vol. 193.

Panteleev D. N., Gordin A. A., Sozinova A. A. The conceptual model of import substitution in the modern global economy // Espacios. - 2018. - Vol. 39. - №12.

Результаты научных исследований в изданиях ВАК

Савельева Н. К., Созинова А. А., Ганебных Е. В., Байбакова Т. В. Анализ мирового рынка малотоннажной химии // Индустриальная экономика. - 2022. - Т. 1. - №3. - С. 75-84.

Савельева Н. К., Созинова А. А., Ганебных Е. В., Байбакова Т. В., Фокина О. В., Беспятых В. И. Перспективы импортозамещения в малотоннажной химии // Журнал прикладных исследований. - 2022. - №3 (1). - С. 59-64.

Коршунов В. Л., Ганебных Е. В. Адресная инициация контакта в маркетинге // Журнал прикладных исследований. - 2022. - Т. 1. - №9. - С. 6-10.

Гурова Е. С. Формирование и оценка эффективности инновационной системы управления хозяйствующим субъектом на примере филиала «КЧХК» АО «ОХК «УРАЛХИМ» // Журнал прикладных исследований. - 2022. - Т. 4. - №8. - С. 388-393.

Артемьев Н. В., Созинова А. А., Алцыбеева И. Г. Экономическая безопасность в условиях пандемии: угроза или возможность для постпандемийного периода? // Журнал прикладных исследований. - 2022. - №5-1. - С. 12-16.

Алцыбеева И. Г. Исследование подходов к оценке экономической безопасности организации // Индустриальная экономика. - 2021. - №5-4. - С. 325-328.

Бондаренко В. А., Созинова А. А. Сравнительный анализ форм и методов влияния транснациональных (глобальных) компаний на состояние конкуренции // Теоретическая экономика. - 2021. - №1(73). - С. 72-80.

Беспятых В. И., Мангобе М. М. Увеличение продаж на рынке В2В в области туризма // Финансовая экономика. - 2021. - №2. - С. 190-193.

Глебова А. Г., Малышева Н. В. Использование кластерного подхода для повышения эффективности распределения бюджетных средств // Финансовая экономика. - 2019. - №12. - С. 548-552.

Беспятых В. И., Курдюмов И. В. Практические аспекты оценки эффективности инвестиционных проектов предприятий газовой отрасли при использовании методики UNIDO // Финансовая экономика. - 2019. - №4. - С. 1102-1106.


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Созинова А.А., Савельева Н.К. Предпринимательство: от К. Маркса до современников : монография. - Киров: Изд-во ВятГУ.  - 2020. - 94 с.

Альпидовская М.Л., Савельева Н. К. Управление конкуренцией: маркетинговый аспект : монография. - Москва: Изд-во Перо.  - 2020. - 162 с.

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Фокина О. В. Развитие концепции маркетинга покупательского опыта в условиях цифровой экономики : монография. - Киров: Изд-во Научное изд-во ВятГУ.  - 2018. - 135 с.

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